
(ii) Emergence of Third World and Non-alignment (iii) UNO and the global disputes 



UN was not created to take humanity to heaven but to save it from hell  Dag Hammarskjold, UN 2nd Secretary General. 

Isn’t it better to have one place where all countries in the world can get together and bore each other with words than bore holes into each other in battlefield?  Shashi Tharoor. 

International organisation is not a super-state but created by and responds to states. 

Why do we need international organisations? Some issues are so challenging that they can be eradicated only when everyone works together. For Eg, Disease eradication by inoculating or vaccinating their populations. Countries may see the need to cooperate but how to cooperate, share costs, save from being cheated etc. This is where International Organisations help provide mechanisms, rule and bureaucracy. 

How was UN founded? Enumerate in steps. 

1941. ATLANTIC Charter between US President FD Roosevelt and British PM W Churchill. 

1942. DECLARATION OF UN by 26 Allied nations that support Atlantic C. 


1945. UN CONFERENCE proposed at Yalta  US, UK, USSR. UN conference at SAN FRANCISCO 

1945  JUNE. UN CHARTER by 50 (+1 Poland) 

1945  OCTOBER 24. UN Formed. India Joins on 30 October. 


“The Security Council is the heart of the United Nations.” Comment. [2003, 10 Marks] 

UN was established on 24th October 1945 to ensure global peace and prosperity after the dread of WW-II. 

The organisation of UN was made keeping in mind the flaws of League of Nations. Thus, Security Council was created to ensure its efficient and effective functioning along with General Assembly, International Court of Justice, etc. 

UN Security Council was given some extraordinary powers. It contained 5 permanent members and 10 non-permanent members (elected for two years). The permanent members were provided with veto power by which any member could stall passing of any resolution by putting its 'veto'. This extensive power ensured that no one nation could go its way without taking other members into confidence. During the cold war veto power became a handy tool to stop outbreak of war during many occasions.  

Moreover, Security council was provided with the authority of imposing military and economic sanctions over violation of its resolutions. Across the decades Security Council has passed many important resolutions over disarmament, counter-terrorism, climate change etc. Recently UNSC passed resolution 2233 to ensure judicial cooperation in cases of Global Terrorism. 

Thus, it can be said that UNSC is the main pillar of UN. However, the authority of UNSC as an effective body has been severely impaired due to various reasons: 

  1. Veto power has been used by powers to set their personal goals. For example, China vetoed India's bid to declare Masood Azhar as global terrorist a number of times. 

  2. Global powers are unwilling to shed their authority by providing entry to other major countries such as India, Japan, Germany as permanent members. 

  3. UNSC resolutions have been accused of bias in favour of western countries many a times. For eg, during Kashmir issue, during Vietnam war. 

Thus, it is imperative that UNSC is reformed so that it can function effectively in 21st Century. 



Explain the circumstances leading to the emergence of Third World and analyse its impact on world affairs. [2010, 30 Marks] 

What has been the impact of emergence of new states on the nature of International Relations? 

The 1st WW added to the urge for political independence and autonomy in subjugated and colonised world. The end of 2nd WW marked the rise of many nations. 

The term Third World, as known in history, refers to those nations that were not aligned with either the United States or the Soviet Union. These were seen as potential allies during cold war by both the first and second World. Therefore, US and USSR both went to great lengths to establish connections in these countries by offering economic and military aid to gain strategically located alliances. 

Later, once cold war ended, it came to include many countries with colonial pasts in Africa, Latin America, Oceania and Asia which were poor and underdeveloped. It became a stereotype to refer to poor countries as "third world countries". Term was coined by French economist and demographer Alfred Sauvy in 1952. 

These countries that became the targets of for aid and support from wealthier nations were expected to align in face of instability of the international environment. Inevitably losing their voice and independence of judgement in the process. 

The emergence of Afro-Asian States on the scene of international relations since the end of Second World War is one of the most significant and in certain aspects the most revolutionary aspect of temporal world politics. It was the beginning of an era in which these so called backward countries or primitive societies began to assert themselves on the international scene. 

England and few European states had decided the question of war and peace for world. International relations was not only Europe-dominated but also Europe centred. With the emergence of these new nations, IR has had lost in a large measure its former European-dominated character. Or at least emergence of 3rd World marked the beginning towards one. "Great powers of earlier times are no longer the sole guardians of interests of smaller powers". 

The impact of emergence of new states has been that the concept of national interest and the means to achieve it has also changed. Today, the study of IR has to include the national interest of not one or few nations but of all those nations which are independent or soon likely to gain independence. 

Another development with emergence of new states relates to the number of those individuals who formulate foreign policies. Earlier not only the states participating in the political process were few but their foreign policies were also directed by a small ruling group. But now the whole of this concept has changed. The constant pressure towards nationalist movement and the carving out of new nations is a factor to be reckoned with. 

In order to achieve economic and military sufficiency, new nations present fresh political mechanisms, political beliefs and social attitudes - and all that affects the character of IR. These new beliefs and attitudes are formed as a result of the influence of public opinion. People in general have now come to have a greater say in foreign affairs. 

The arbitrariness with which decisions were taken at the Congress of Vienna in 1815 or the territorial or economic clauses imposed on helpless nations in the Peace settlements of 1919 cannot have its way now. No nation, however big can afford today openly to go against the ideals of peace, international justice, disarmament, freedom and international organization, all of which have now become the cherished values of people all over the world. 

Thus, IR today has become not only really international but also in a sense democratic. 


“Nehru’s policy of Non-Alignment came to symbolised the struggle of India and other newly independent nations to retain and strengthen their independence from colonialism.” Critically evaluate. [2012, 10m] 

Would you argue that the Non-Aligned Movement played a crucial role in promoting a climate of peace? [2011, 30 Marks] 

”The role of the Non-Alignment Movement in world affairs had suffered greatly due to the theatre of internecine conflicts among the Third World countries who spearheaded it.” Elucidate. [2015, 10 Marks] 



What was a New International Economic Order (NIEO)? 

The end of cold war era is seen as beginning of contemporary world politics. During the cold war there was an arena for domination of two superpowers. The NAM can be viewed as a challenge to dominance of USA and USSR. The Non Aligned countries established a means of attaining economic development and political independence. This was the NIEO. 

Why did the NIEO, that is, of NAM faded by 1980s? 

One because of stiff opposition from united group of developed countries. Second because of struggle in unity amongst NAM members itself. 

What was the worry of newly independent nations during the early years of cold war? 

They would lose their freedom which they obtained after independence from Britain and France.  

What was NAM? What role did it play in Korean war? Who played mediating role in Congo crisis? 

NAM or Non-Alignment Movement was a way by which newly independent countries (of Asia, Africa and Latin America) stayed out of alliances.  

JL Nehru, key figure of NAM played a crucial role in mediating between the two Koreas. 

The UN Secretary General played a key mediating role in Congo crisis. 

Write short notes on the 5 founding figures of NAM: 

Founded in Belgrade in 1961. 

  1. Josip Broz Tito  former President of Yugoslavia 

    1. Fought against Germany in WW-II 

    2. Communist; maintained some distance from USSR 

    3. Forged unity in Yugoslavia 

  2. Jawahar Lal Nehru  first PM of India 

    1. Made efforts for Asian unity, decolonisation, nuclear disarmament 

    2. Advocated Peaceful coexistence for securing world peace 

  3. Gamel Abdel Naseer  Ruled Egypt from 1952 to 1970 

    1. Espoused the causes of ARAB NATIONALISM, Socialism and anti-imperialism 

    2. Nationalised the Suez Canal leading to international conflict in 1956 

  4. Sukarno  first president of Indonesia 

    1. Led the freedom struggle 

    2. Espoused the causes of Socialism and anti-imperialism 

    3. Organised the Bandung conference 

    4. Got overthrown in a military coup 

  5. Kwame Nkrumah  First PM of Ghana 

    1. Led the freedom struggle 

    2. Espoused the causes of Socialism and African unity 

    3. Opposed neo-colonialism 

    4. Removed in a military coup 

What were the factors that culminated into NAM? 

  1. Cooperation among the first 5 countries 

  2. Growing cold war tensions and its widening arenas 

  3. Dramatic entry of many new independent African nations (16 came in UN in 1960s) 

HAS NAM BECOME IRRELEVANT TODAY? It has struggled to find relevance since the Cold War ended. Belarus is the only member of the Movement in Europe. As the world has become more polarised between USA and China, hardly any nation has been able to keep itself aloof from involving itself with these major powers. 

17th (latest) Summit of NAM was held in 2016. Indian PM did not attend it. 

Some of the core ideas of NAM that are still relevantSmall countries need not follow superpowers and can pursue independent foreign policy. They can become powerful if they come together. NAM by thinking of an alternative order resolved to democratise the international system. 

Non-Alignment is not isolationism since isolationism means remaining aloof from world affairs. NAM countries not only played active role as mediators between two superpowers but also did not get sided with them. 

Isolationism sums up the foreign policy of America from First War of American Independence (1787) to the beginning of First World War. 

Neutrality means principle of staying out of war. NAM states either prevented wars from occurring or tried to end wars that had broken out. 

In 1970s - NAM started focusing on economic issues and became an economic pressure group. The reason was that until a nation had economic development it could not be truly free. 

What is Panchseel? When was it signed and between whom? 

Panchseel or five principles (PAISE) was signed in 1954 between China, India and Myanmar. 


  2. Mutual NON-AGGRESSION  






“In spite of the careful framing of the charter, the role of UNO as Peacekeeper and international mediator has been somewhat lacklustre and muted and that continues to be so even after the end of cold war.” Elucidate. [2013, 25 Marks] 

“The UNO was created in the light of the experience of the ‘League of Nations’, but in spite of the mandate contained in the UNO constitution, its effective role in maintaining world peace had lacked cohesiveness and collective approach.” Examine. [2015, 20 Marks] 

Examine the peace keeping efforts of the United Nations Organization. [2009, 30 Marks] 

<Korea> <Syria> <Israel><Rwandan Genocide 1994> 



Can the UN serve as a balance against US dominance? 

US power cannot be easily checked especially after the fall of USSR. Also, within UN the influence of US is considerable (single largest contributor to UN). Added to the fact that UN is located within the US territory. The power of US, veto power, considerable degree of say in choice of Secretary General are other points. 

The UN is not therefore a balance to US. It can and has brought different countries and US together for discussion. Not that rest of world totally is against US, UN does provide space to put arguments against specific US attitudes and policies. 

The UN is imperfect body but without it the world would be worse of. 


The United Nations Development Group (UNDG) was created by the Secretary-General of the UN to improve the effectiveness of UN development activities at the country level. It consists of which of these organizations? 

  1. World Health Organization 

  2. United Nations Children's Fund 

  3. International Labour Organization 

  4. United Nations Women. 

Created in 1997, UNDG brings together 32 UN agencies and groups, plus five observers working on 

various development issues. At the global level, the UNDG serves as a high-level forum for joint policy formation and decision-making. The UNDG meets three to four times a year under the chairmanship of the UNDG Chair. 

  1. UNDP – United Nations Development Programme 

  2. UNICEF – United Nations Children's Fund 

  3. UNFPA – United Nations Population Fund 

  4. WFP – World Food Programme 

  5. OHCHR – Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights 

  6. UN Women (formerly UNIFEM) 

  7. UNOPS – United Nations Office for Project Services 

  8. UNAIDS – Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS 

  9. UN-HABITAT – United Nations Human Settlements Programme 

  10. UNODC – United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime 

  11. WHO – World Health Organization 

  12. DESA – United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs 

  13. IFAD – International Fund for Agricultural Development 

  14. UNCTAD – United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 

  15. UNESCO – United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 

  16. FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization 

  17. UNIDO – United Nations Industrial Development Organization 

  18. ILO – International Labour Organization 

  19. UNECA – United Nations Economic Commission for Africa 

  20. UNECE – United Nations Economic Commission for Europe 

  21. UNECLAC – United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean 

  22. UNESCAP – United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific 

  23. UNESCWA – United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia 

  24. OHRLLS – United Nations Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States 

  25. SRSG/CAC  Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict 

  26. UNEP – United Nations Environment Programme 

  27. UNHCR – United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 

  28. OSAA  UN Office Special Advisor on Africa 

  29. UNWTO – United Nations World Tourism Organization 

  30. WMO – World Meteorological Organization 

  31. ITU – International Telecommunications Union 


United Nations Development Programme (UNDP): 

  1. Its status is that of an executive board within the United Nations General Assembly. 

  2. UNDP is funded entirely by voluntary contributions from member nations. 

  3. UNDP supports national democratic transitions by providing policy advice and technical support. 

  4. Additionally, the UNDP works internationally to help countries achieve the SDGs. 

What was Windhoek declaration? What was the day proclaimed to its response? 

African journalists in 1991 produced the landmark Windhoek Declaration on media pluralism and independence. 

In response to it and following a recommendation adopted at the 26th Session of UNESCO’s General Conference in 1991, World Press Freedom Day was proclaimed by the UNGA in 1993.